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Buffalo Pacific (Ohio, USA) - strategic partner of Teleportel (Belgium) , deploys the Teleportel cloud-based video conferencing software for the Community Portal™ of which the very first one goes live, early February in Troy, Ohio 2018.
Buggenhout (Belgium)/Englewood Ohio (USA), *10th of January 2018* ANNOUNCEMENT The Community Portal™ is a unique combination of financial services, health/wellness care, and educational delivery. By deploying our Omni-Series™ technology we bring together specialized experts to meet customer, patient and student demand. With plans to deploy 10,000 locations within 10 years starting with the 1st Portal coming online in 2017, BP will energize communities around the country and bring a truly unique and recognizable resource to the citizens. The Omni-Series™ systems are in a class of its own for its unique ability to offer a full-sized, 3D, full-eye-contact presence that leverages time, talent and location. The BP Community Portal is available in a range of sizes, depending on the individual community demographics and market needs. Portal square foot sizes include 600, 900, 6000, 6500 and 8.000 square feet. The 12th US Patent covers the “telepresence architecture” of the BP Community Portal allowing the mixture of our unique technology, customer experience and iconic architecture in the world’s ONLY location of its kind! THE BUFFALO PACIFIC OMNI-BRANCH COMMUNITY PORTAL™ Financial Services Financial industry professionals have been exposed to transaction-oriented systems using video for ATM and drive-through placements, and need to devote more personal attention to complex relationship needs, yet have never experienced the quality, relationship-building capabilities of the Omni-Series™. The Community Portal brings together the experience, expert access and convenience necessary to transform the retail banking category. Healthcare Healthcare specialists have long sought ways to load balance patient care and deliver on-demand services of specialists. The Innovator Health Rounder delivers ease of use, engaging patient care and universal acceptance of any EMR from a healthcare provider. From open to close, the wellness care center can provide primary care, specialist care, chronic care, behavioral health care and more. Education Adding “onscreen” access to on-campus and online, educational systems around the country can bring MBA, associate degrees and certifications to students of all ages, levels and locations. The Omni-Campus™ bridges the gap from the campus location and the isolated online learning through an engaging experience with the instructor and in-person interaction with fellow students. The Result We bring a unique community resource to cities and towns all over the country. For our partners we move the equation from cost-cutting to revenue generating, helping to achieve measurable goals and extend the organizational reach. We provide managed location that create the ability to improve customer satisfaction and increase efficiency in one elegantly designed system– and above all, retain and grow your customer, patient or student base. The Omni-Branch Community Portal™ becomes the building block to community growth and customer experience transformation.
[2599 Days ago]
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