
Das Besucherverwaltungssystem für Unternehmen

![enter image description here][1] Ein Besucherverwaltungssystem kann für jedes Unternehmen, unabhängig von der Größe oder der Branche, zahlreiche Vorteile bringen. Die Implementierung eines solchen Systems kann revolutionieren, wie Unternehmen Besucher willkommen heißen und verwalten und somit die gesamte Gästeerfahrung verändern. Hier sind einige wesentliche Vorteile, die ein Besucherver

Système de gestion des visiteurs pour les entreprises

![enter image description here][1] Un système de gestion des visiteurs peut apporter de nombreux avantages à n'importe quelle entreprise, quelle que soit sa taille ou son secteur d'activité. La mise en œuvre d'un tel système peut révolutionner la manière dont les entreprises accueillent et gèrent les visiteurs, transformant ainsi toute l'expérience des invités. Voici quelques avantages

Visitor management system for businesses

![Visitor management system for businesses][1] Title: Visitor management system for businesses A visitor management system can bring numerous benefits to any company, regardless of its size or industry. Implementing such a system can revolutionize how businesses welcome and manage visitors, transforming the entire guest experience. Here are some key advantages that a visitor management system ca

Besuchermanagementsysteme im Zeitalter der Remote-Empfangslösungen

![Besuchermanagementsysteme][1] Besuchermanagementsysteme (BMS) haben sich als entscheidende Komponente herauskristallisiert und revolutionieren die Art und Weise, wie Organisationen Gäste willkommen heißen und betreuen. In diesem Artikel erörtern wir die Bedeutung von Besuchermanagementsystemen und wie sie Remote-Empfangslösungen ergänzen, um nahtlose und sichere Gästeerlebnisse zu schaffe

Les Systèmes de Gestion des Visiteurs à l'Ère des Solutions de Réception à Distance

![enter image description here][1] Les systèmes de gestion des visiteurs (VMS) sont devenus un élément essentiel dans domaine, révolutionnant la manière dont les organisations accueillent et gèrent les invités. Dans cet article, nous abordons l'importance des systèmes de gestion des visiteurs et la manière dont ils complètent les solutions de réception à distance pour créer des expé

Bezoekersmanagementssystemen in het Tijdperk van Oplossingen voor Afstandsreceptie

![enter image description here][1] Bezoekersmanagementssystemen (VMS) zijn uitgegroeid tot een cruciale component in deze inspanning en hebben de manier waarop organisaties gasten verwelkomen en beheren, veranderd. Traditioneel was het bezoekersmanagement een handmatig proces, waarbij papieren logboeken, aanmeldingslijsten en hulp van het personeel betrokken waren. Naarmate de technologie vord

Visitor Management Systems in the Age of Remote Reception Solutions

Visitor Management Systems (VMS) have emerged as a critical component in this endeavor, revolutionizing the way organizations welcome and manage guests. In this article, we discuss the significance of visitor management systems and how they complement remote reception solutions to create seamless and secure guest experiences. Traditionally, visitor management was a manual process, involving paper

Die Macht von Besucheranmeldungskiosken zur Verbesserung von Gästeerlebnissen

![enter image description here][1] Die Besucheranmeldung, traditionell ein zeitaufwändiger und manueller Prozess, hat sich mit mit dem technologischen Fortschritt selbst deutlich weiterentwickelt, wobei Self-Service-Kioske die Rolle des Game-Changers einnehmen. In diesem Artikel gehen wir auf die Bedeutung der Besucheranmeldung ein und erörtern, wie Besucheranmeldungskioske dieses entscheidende

Le Pouvoir des Bornes d'Accueil pour Améliorer l'Expérience des Visiteurs

![enter image description here][1] La procédure traditionnelle d'inscription des visiteurs, longue et manuelle, a évolué avec l'avènement de la technologie, les bornes en libre-service devenant des acteurs majeurs de changement. Dans cet article, nous abordons l'importance de l'inscription des visiteurs et explorons comment les bornes peuvent révolutionner cet aspect essentiel de l'hospital

De Impact van Kiosken bij het Verbeteren van Gastervaringen

![enter image description here][1] De bezoekersregistratie heeft zich ontwikkeld met de opkomst van technologie, waarbij self-service kiosken zich als game-changers hebben gepresenteerd. Bezoekersregistratie dient als de toegangspoort tot elke organisatie, of het nu gaat om een bedrijfskantoor, een gezondheidszorginstelling, een onderwijsinstelling of een entertainmentlocatie. Het is het eerste

The Power of Kiosks in Enhancing Guest Experiences

Traditionally a time-consuming and manual process, visitor registration has evolved with the advent of technology, with self-service kiosks emerging as game-changers. In this article, we delve into the significance of visitor registration and explore how kiosks can revolutionize this critical aspect of hospitality, leaving a lasting impression on guests and businesses alike. Visitor registration

[576 Days ago]

L'Essai Gratuit du Système d'Accueil DIY (Do-it-Yourself) pour Accueillir vos Visiteurs

![enter image description here][1] La [gestion des visiteurs][2] joue un rôle essentiel dans la création de l'expérience d'accueil, et la mise en place d'un essai gratuit du système d'accueil DIY peut révolutionner la manière dont vous accueillez et gérez vos invités. Dans cet article, nous explorons les principaux avantages d'un système de gestion des visiteurs et comment un essai grat

Der DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Empfang als kostenlose Testversion zur Begrüßung Ihrer Besucher

![enter image description here][1] Das Besuchermanagement spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für das Empfangserlebnis und die Implementierung eines DIY-Empfangs kann die Art und Weise, wie Sie Ihre Gäste begrüßen und betreuen, revolutionieren. In diesem Artikel erkunden wir die wichtigsten Vorteile eines Besuchermanagementsystems und wie ein DIY-Empfang Ihr Unternehmen mit nahtlosen und effizien

De DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Receptie Free Trial

![enter image description here][1] Bezoekersmanagement speelt een cruciale rol bij het vormgeven van de receptie-ervaring, en de implementatie van een DIY Gratis Free Trial kan de manier waarop u uw gasten verwelkomt en beheert, totaal veranderen. Hoe een DIY Free Trial de Receptie van uw Bedrijf kan veranderen Kosteneffectieve Oplossing: De DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Receptie Free Trial stelt u in

The DIY (Do -it- Yourself ) Reception Free Trial to Welcome your Visitors

![enter image description here][1] Title: The DIY (Do -it- Yourself ) Reception Free Trial to Welcome your Visitors Visitor management plays a vital role in shaping the reception experience, and the implementation of a DIY Reception Free Trial can revolutionize the way you welcome and manage your guests. In this article, we explore the key benefits of a visitor management system and how a DIY R

[582 Days ago]

Accueillir les Clients avec des Solutions de Réception à Distance

![enter image description here][1] Avec la capacité de combler l'écart de distance, des solutions de pointe redéfinissent l'art de l'hospitalité et laissent des impressions durables de loin sur les client. Dans cet article, nous explorons l'importance d'adopter des solutions de réception à distance pour accueillir les clients et élever l'expérience client à de nouveaux sommets. L'Essenc

[582 Days ago]

Welcoming Clients with Remote Reception Solutions

![enter image description here][1] With the ability to bridge the distance gap, cutting-edge solutions are redefining the art of hospitality and creating lasting impressions on clients from afar. In this article, we explore the significance of embracing remote reception solutions to welcome clients and elevate the client experience to new heights. The Essence of Welcoming Clients Welcoming clie

[582 Days ago]

Klanten Verwelkomen met een Receptie Over Afstand

![enter image description here][1] Met het vermogen om de afstand te overbruggen, herdefiniëren geavanceerde oplossingen de kunst van gastvrijheid en laten blijvende indrukken op afstand achter bij klanten. De Essentie van Klanten Verwelkomen Klanten verwelkomen is meer dan alleen een beleefde formaliteit. Een warm en oprechte verwelkoming wekt vertrouwen en geloofwaardigheid op bij klanten,

[582 Days ago]

Kundenempfänge mit Fernempfangslösungen

![enter image description here][1] Titel: Kundenempfänge mit Fernempfangslösungen Dank der Fähigkeit, Entfernungen und Distanzen zu überbrücken, definieren modernste Lösungen die Kunst der Gastfreundschaft neu und hinterlassen bei Kunden aus der Ferne einen bleibenden Eindruck. In diesem Artikel erörtern wir die Bedeutung von Fernempfangslösungen für den Empfang von Kunden und heben da

[582 Days ago]

Besucher aus der Ferne aus mit Remote-Empfangssoftware willkommen heißen

![enter image description here][1] In einer Welt, die von Remote-Work und virtuellen Interaktionen geprägt ist, mussten Unternehmen sich anpassen und neue Innovationen implementieren, um den sich ändernden Bedürfnissen ihrer Kunden und Besucher gerecht zu werden. Das Konzept des Besuchersempfangs hat sich über die traditionelle Empfangstheke hinaus entwickelt und umfasst digitale Lösungen, d

Bezoekers Welkom Heten met Remote Reception Software

![enter image description here][1] In een wereld gekenmerkt door thuiswerken en virtuele interacties, hebben bedrijven zich moeten aanpassen en innoveren om te voldoen aan de veranderende behoeften van hun klanten en bezoekers. Het concept van bezoekers verwelkomen is geëvolueerd van een traditionele receptiebalie naar digitale oplossingen die de fysieke afstand overbruggen. Remote reception sof

[583 Days ago]

Accueillir les Visiteurs à Distance avec un Logiciel de Réception à Distance

![enter image description here][1] Dans un monde caractérisé par le travail à distance et les interactions virtuelles, les entreprises ont dû s'adapter et innover pour répondre aux besoins changeants de leurs clients et visiteurs. Le concept d'accueil des visiteurs a évolué au-delà du traditionnel bureau d'accueil pour englober des solutions numériques qui comblent la distance physique. L

Welcoming Visitors from Afar with Remote Reception Software

![enter image description here][1] In a world characterized by remote work and virtual interactions, businesses have had to adapt and innovate to meet the changing needs of their clients and visitors. The concept of welcoming visitors has evolved beyond the traditional reception desk to encompass digital solutions that bridge the physical distance. Remote reception software has emerged as a game

[583 Days ago]

Vereenvoudig uw incheckproces met QR-codes

![enter image description here][1] In het tijdperk van snelle digitalisering zijn bedrijven voortdurend op zoek naar innovatieve oplossingen om de klantervaring te verbeteren en de operationele efficiëntie te optimaliseren. Een van deze vooruitgangen is de implementatie van een QR-code inchecksysteem, dat de manier waarop klanten met bedrijven omgaan revolutioneert. Moeiteloos incheckproces

Simplifiez votre processus d'enregistrement avec des codes QR

![enter image description here][1] [1]: À l'ère de la digitalisation rapide, les entreprises cherchent continuellement des solutions innovantes pour améliorer l'expérience client tout en optimisant l'efficacité opérationnelle. Une avancée notable est l'implémentation de systèmes d'enregistrement par codes QR, révolutionnant la manière dont les clien

Vereinfachen Sie Ihren Check-In-Prozess mit QR-Codes

![enter image description here][1] [1]: In der Ära der schnellen Digitalisierung suchen Unternehmen kontinuierlich nach innovativen Lösungen, um die Kundenerfahrung zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die betriebliche Effizienz zu optimieren. Eine solche Weiterentwicklung ist die Implementierung von QR-Code-Check-In-Systemen, die die Art und Weise, wie Kunden mit

Streamline Your Check-In Process with QR Codes

![enter image description here][1] [1]: In the era of rapid digitalization, businesses are continuously seeking innovative solutions to enhance customer experience while optimizing operational efficiency. One such advancement is the implementation of QR code check-in systems, revolutionizing the way clients interact with businesses. **Effortless Check-In Pr

[609 Days ago]

De voordelen van een elektronische receptie

![enter image description here][1] [1]: In het digitale tijdperk van vandaag zijn bedrijven voortdurend op zoek naar innovatieve oplossingen om hun bedrijfsvoering te optimaliseren en de klantervaring te verbeteren. Deze vooruitgang uit zich in de elektronische receptie, die het incheckproces van bezoekers automatiseert en stroomlijnt. Voordelen voor bezoeker

[631 Days ago]

Die elektronische Empfangslösung: Vorteile

![enter image description here][1] [1]: In der heutigen digitalen Ära suchen Unternehmen ständig nach innovativen Lösungen, um ihre Abläufe zu optimieren und die Kundenerfahrung zu verbessern. Eine solche Weiterentwicklung ist der elektronische Empfang, der den Anmeldeprozess für Besucher automatisiert und optimiert. Dieser Artikel erklärt das Konzept ein

Les Avantages d'une Réception Electronique

![enter image description here][1] [1]: À l'ère numérique d'aujourd'hui, les entreprises recherchent constamment des solutions innovantes pour optimiser leurs opérations et améliorer l'expérience du client. Une telle avancée est la réception électronique, qui automatise et rationalise les processus d'enregistrement des visiteurs. Cet article explore le

[631 Days ago]

The Advantages of an Electronic Reception

![enter image description here][1] [1]: In today's digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to optimize operations and improve customer experience. One such advancement is the electronic reception, which automates and streamlines visitor check-in processes. This article explores the concept of an electronic reception and its advantage

[631 Days ago]

The Advantages of an Electronic Reception

![enter image description here][1] [1]: In today's digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to optimize operations and improve customer experience. One such advancement is the electronic reception, which automates and streamlines visitor check-in processes. This article explores the concept of an electronic reception and its advantage

[631 Days ago]

Deze Virtuele Receptie verbetert uw Bezoekersbeheersysteem

![enter image description here][1] Deze virtuele receptie verbetert uw bezoekersbeheersysteem (visitor management system) en toegangscontrolesysteem (access control system) door gebruik te maken van live video-interactie. In een tijdperk van digitale transformatie zoeken bedrijven naar innovatieve oplossingen om de uitdagingen van traditionele receptiebalies te overwinnen. Met de opkomst van thu

Das bedeutet Besuchermanagement vom Feinsten

![enter image description here][1] Mieten Sie den Teleportel Basic Empfangskiosk, um Ihren Gästen eine herzliche und persönliche Begrüßung aus der Ferne zu bieten. Der Remote-Empfangsservice wird vom Arbeitsplatz oder von jedem anderen Ort aus angeboten. Das bedeutet Besuchermanagement vom Feinsten. In einer Ära der digitalen Transformation suchen Unternehmen nach innovativen Lösungen, um

Cette réception virtuelle améliore votre système de gestion des visiteurs

![enter image description here][1] Cette réception virtuelle améliore votre système de gestion des visiteurs et votre système de contrôle d'accès en utilisant une interaction vidéo en direct. À l'ère de la transformation numérique, les entreprises recherchent des solutions innovantes pour surmonter les défis auxquels sont confrontés les bureaux de réception traditionnels. Avec la mo

Visitor Management System for a Personal Welcome

![enter image description here][3] **Rent the Teleportel Basic Reception Kiosk to offer your Guests a warm and personal welcome, over distance. The remote reception service is provided from the workplace or from any other location. Visitor Management at its best.** In an era of digital transformation, companies are seeking innovative solutions to overcome the challenges faced by traditional rec

VRT Nieuws: Gemeente Buggenhout test als eerste online Europees vertaalplatform uit voor Oekraïense vluchtelingen

Bekijk [deze link][1] (Nieuwsblad) om heel het artikel te lezen. [1]:

Nieuwsblad: Vertaalplatform voor gastgezinnen vergemakkelijkt opvang vluchtelingen

Bekijk [deze link][1] (Nieuwsblad) om heel het artikel te lezen. [1]:

RTBF La Une // Guichet 3D Police Ans

Déposer une plainte de manière virtuelle: ce sera bientôt possible à Ans. Lisez [cet article][1] pour en savoir plus sur cette solution innovante. [1]:

Guichet Virtuel en 3D - Déposer une plainte de manière virtuelle

Lisez [cet article][1] pour en savoir plus sur cette solution innovante utilisée par la Police d'Ans. [1]:


Bekijk de reportage uit "Het Journaal" over de virtuele loketten [HIER][1] [1]:

[1258 Days ago]

Interaction vidéo hyperréaliste en direct avec les clients en magasin

Interaction vidéo hyperréaliste en direct avec les clients en magasin Le RealPerson Kiosk est la pierre angulaire de la stratégie de vente au détail multicanal. La vente au détail multicanal jette un pont entre ventes en ligne et ventes hors ligne. Le RealPerson Retail Kiosk propose une interaction vidéo hyperréaliste en direct avec le client non connecté. L’agent apparaît en grandeur

Hyperrealistische video-interactie met klanten in de winkel

Hyperrealistische video-interactie met klanten in de winkel De RealPerson Kiosk is het sluitstuk van elke Omnichannel Retail-strategie. Omnichannel overbrugt de kloof tussen online en offline verkoop. De RealPerson Retail Kiosk biedt hyperrealistische, live video-interactie met de offline klant. De agent lijkt levensgroot, in 3D en verschijnt met uitgelijnd oogcontact. Er is géén zichtbare came

Hyperrealistische Live Videointeraktion mit Kunden in Ihrem Geschäft.

Hyperrealistische Live Videointeraktion mit Kunden in Ihrem Geschäft. Der RealPerson Kiosk bildet das Highlight jeder Omni-Channel Vertriebsstrategie. Omni-Channel Vertrieb bildet die Brücke zwischen Online und Offline Sales. Der RealPerson Verkaufskiosk ermöglicht hyperrealistische, live Videointeraktionen mit offline Kunden. Der Agent erscheint in Lebensgröße, in 3D und mit direktem Augenk

Hyper-Realistic Live Video Interaction with Customers in the Store

Hyper-Realistic Live Video Interaction with Customers in the Store The RealPerson Kiosk is the capstone of the Omnichannel Retail strategy. Omnichannel retailing bridges the gap between online and offline sales. The RealPerson Retail Kiosk offers hyper-realistic, live video interaction with the offline customer. The agent appears life-sized, in 3D and with aligned eye-contact . There is no visibl

[1444 Days ago]

Reception over Distance

![enter image description here][1] Attend your reception from a remote location. Not ‘virtual’ but ‘in person’. Exactly as if your receptionist would be physically present. Cost-saving. Personal. Safe. Slashing costs and maximizing the safety of your visitors and co-workers can go hand-in-hand with a warm, personal welcome of your visitors. The In Person reception uses encrypted, high q

[1492 Days ago]

Receptie op Afstand

![enter image description here][1] Beman uw Receptie vanop een andere locatie (vb. van thuis). Niet ‘virtueel’ maar ‘In Person’. Net alsof de receptioniste écht zou aanwezig zijn. Kostenbesparend. Persoonlijk. Veilig. Forse kostenbesparing én veiligheid van uw gasten én medewerkers hoeven niét ten koste te gaan van een warm onthaal. Integendeel ! D.m.v. een versleutelde video commu

The RealReceptionist : Digitale Transformatie van uw Receptie

The RealReceptionist : Digitale Transformatie van uw Receptie. Zonder verlies van persoonlijk contact. Zonder gevaar voor besmettingen. Ontdek in dit filmpje 5 contactloze, Covid-proof manieren om de verbinding tot stand te brengen. De op-maat gemaakte opstelling combineert Self-Service Onthaal met Receptie-op-Afstand. Dit is niet alleen kostenbesparend, maar garandeert ook een 100% warm, persoo

[1494 Days ago]

The RealReceptionist : Transformation numérique de votre réception

The RealReceptionist : Transformation numérique de votre réception. Avec maintien du contact interpersonnel. Sans risque de contamination. Dans cette courte vidéo, découvrez 5 façons de créer le lien sans contact et dans le respect des normes Covid-19. Cet agencement réalisé sur mesure combine l’Accueil self-service et la Réception à distance. Non seulement cela permet d’économise

[1494 Days ago]

The RealReceptionist: Digital Transformation of Your Reception

The RealReceptionist: Digital Transformation of Your Reception. Without losing personal contact. Without risk of contamination. Discover 5 contactless, Covid-proof methods to establish the connection with the remote receptionist. Attending your reception over distance is not only cost-effective, but it also guarantees a 100% personal and warm welcome. Installing and using the system are very sim

Gérer votre réception à distance ne peut pas être plus facile

«La simplicité est la sophistication ultime» (Leonardo da Vinci). Gérer votre réception à distance ne peut pas être plus facile. La réception la plus simple et la plus sûre au monde. Le RealReceptionist offre non seulement l’accueil le plus sûr (Covid) et le plus personnalisé (votre invité est accueilli par une personne réelle), mais c'est aussi le système de réception le plus si

Uw receptie op Afstand bedienen kan niet eenvoudiger

‘Eenvoud is de ultieme verfijning’ (Leonardo da Vinci). Uw receptie op afstand bedienen kan niet eenvoudiger. De Eenvoudigste en Veiligste Receptie ter wereld. De RealReceptionist biedt niet alleen het veiligste (Covid) en meest persoonlijke onthaal (uw gast wordt verwelkomd door een echt persoon), maar het is ook het Eenvoudigste Receptiesysteem ooit. Uw receptiekiosk wordt geleverd klaar vo

Uw receptie op Afstand bedienen kan niet eenvoudiger

‘Eenvoud is de ultieme verfijning’ (Leonardo da Vinci). Uw receptie op afstand bedienen kan niet eenvoudiger. De Eenvoudigste en Veiligste Receptie ter wereld. De RealReceptionist biedt niet alleen het veiligste (Covid) en meest persoonlijke onthaal (uw gast wordt verwelkomd door een echt persoon), maar het is ook het Eenvoudigste Receptiesysteem ooit. Uw receptiekiosk wordt geleverd klaar vo

Attending your Reception over Distance could not be simpler

‘Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication’ (Leonardo da Vinci). Attending your Reception over Distance could not be simpler. The Simplest and Safest Reception in the world. The RealReceptionist does not only offer the safest (Covid) and most personal welcome (your guest is welcomed by a real person) but it is also the simplest Reception system ever. Following your order, the Reception Kiosk

The Holographical Reception Desk

The Holographical Reception Desk: Digital Transformation of your Reception, without the downsides. The 3D appearance, the absence of visible technology and the genuinely aligned eye-contact generate a sense of presence that is so strong that your guests do not realize that your receptionist is actually in another location. This is as effective as the receptionist being present. Cost saving. 100%

La Réception Holographique

La «Réception Holographique»: transformation numérique de votre réception, sans les inconvénients. L'imagerie 3D, l'absence de technologie visible et le véritable contact visuel aligné créent un sentiment de présence si fort que beaucoup de vos visiteurs ne remarqueront pas que la réceptionniste se situe dans un autre endroit ! C'est tout aussi efficace qu’une vraie réceptionniste s

[1494 Days ago]

De 'Holographical Reality' Receptie

De 'Holographical Reality' Receptie: digitale transformatie van uw receptie, zonder de nadelen. De 3D-beeldvorming, de afwezigheid van zichtbare techniek en het échte oogcontact creëren een gevoel van aanwezigheid dat zo sterk is dat de meeste gasten niet eens in de gaten hebben dat uw receptioniste zich op een andere locatie bevindt. Kostenbesparend. 100% persoonlijk. Veilig. Meer informatie

[1494 Days ago]

Airports and Airlines : The Day After

The aviation industry is going through an existential crisis with no clear visibility on how long it will take to recover. The industry will be markedly different post COVID-19. In order to restore traveller confidence, airports will spend millions on new technologies that can help the

Teleportation for Business™

*A transformative technology for digitized customer interaction* Everybody is familiar with 'teleportation', as we know it from Science Fiction. While some of you may think that this advanced method of communication is pure fantasy, you should know that Teleportel offers Teleportati

[1741 Days ago]

Teleportation for Business™

*Een transformerende technologie voor digitalisering van interactie met klanten* Iedereen is bekend met ‘teleportatie-communicatie’ uit Science Fiction. Wat velen niét weten, is dat dit écht bestaat ! Dit is geen speculatieve of experimentele technologie maar wordt dagelijks i

[1741 Days ago]

The Touchless Virtual Reception

Coronaproof Personal Hospitality Covid-19 may be with us for another 18 months. The Touchless Virtual Reception features what is required in times of a pandemic. All your guest needs to do, is to approach and simply stand in front of the unit Or hoover his/her hand above the screen.

De ‘Touchless’ Virtuele Receptie

Coronaproof Persoonlijk Onthaal Covid-19 zal wellicht nog 18 maand bij ons zijn. De Touchless (‘contactloze’) Virtuele Receptie biedt precies wat nodig is in tijden van een pandemie. U gaat gewoon voor het toestel staan. Of zijn/haar hand ‘hooveren’ (wuiven) over het scherm.

WERELDPRIMEUR: Virtueel Loket voor Politie Carma

Politie Carma kondigt via de media het virtueel loket aan dat van start is gegaan op maandag 2 maart in het politiekantoor van Bree en in het gemeentehuis van Houthalen-Helchteren om op afstand aangiftes en klachten van burgers te noteren. Het kan ook op grote evenementen of tot in de

LA RÉCEPTION ALL IN ONE est sans conteste le kiosque d’accueil le plus avancé au monde.

Certaines entreprises hésitent encore à adopter une réception « virtuelle » ou « numérique » ou « pilotée à distance » pour accueillir leurs invités et leurs fournisseurs. La crainte d'un manque de contact personnel et l’incertitude quant à la maturité des te

De All-in-One Receptie: de meest geavanceerde receptie ter wereld

Sommige bedrijven aarzelen nog steeds om 'virtuele' of 'digitale' of 'over afstand bemande recepties' in te zetten voor het onthaal van de gasten en leveranciers. De angst voor het gebrek aan persoonlijk contact en de onzekerheid over de rijpheid van de technologieën lijken de g

The All-in-One Reception Desk™: the most advanced Reception Service in the World

Some companies are still hesitant to deploy ‘virtual’ or ‘digital’ or ‘remotely attended receptions’. The fear of lack of personal contact and the uncertainty regarding the maturity of the technologies seem to be the biggest hurdles. This short article and video-clip

Politiezone Carma breidt project met virtuele loketten uit in 2019

Het pilootproject met het virtuele locket van de Politiezone Carma werd positief beoordeeld. Na het succes van het eerste virtuele locket gaat de Politiezone Carma dit project uitbreiden in 2019 om zo met de persoonlijke dienstverlening vanuit backoffice de efficientie te verhog

Why You Should Use Real Personal Reception Service From Any Location

The 3 Core Business Value This Mission Critical Reception System offers the best possible User Experience, the Highest Level of Security and maximum Availability of the equipment. The Live Video Connection Your guest touches the screen to initiate the live video connecti

Reception Notification Service - FOR FREE

![Free Reception Service][1] Teleportel is technical Market Leader in live communication technologies for Receptions and Professional Services. As special promotion for the announcement of our new product line 'the Real Receptionist' we offer a FREE RECEPTION SERVICE. In this free Service, your visitor or guest will notify the contact person automatically without the need for a receptionist to

Politiezone CARMA opent 3D loket in Houthalen

![Virtueel Loket][2] Vanaf 1 october 2018 opent de Politiezone CARMA het 3D Loket in Houthalen. Hieronder wat hierover in de pers verscheen. Journaal VRT Nieuws TVL Artikel HLN

Broadcasting Live Video Online / Live-streaming Video / Top Video Live Streaming

The service is high quality. Interact with viewers in real time with chat. Interact in real time using rich video. How to use live video. Every locker-cupboard features integrated micro-processors and relays, which enable us to intervene instantly over distance when a malfunction is reported (which happens very rarely). Also every day all the systems are monitored preventively and routinely over

Service Management Suite / Standard Configuration / Transformation

Required to set up a standard configuration. The coordinate systems are said to be in standard configuration. The Standard Locker system -as decribed above - is the most basic version. It is for Self-Service purposes only and it is limited in features and interactive intelligence. However, it is possible to provide Automatic Intelligent Interaction with the User in combination with Service over Di

Parcel scanner / Time Package Tracking / Package Tracking Solutions

Scans barcodes and documents. Barcodes make real time package tracking a reality. Package tracking applications. Barcode scanning. The above list is not exhaustive. Basically we can deliver exactly what you need and we build and program to achieve this tailor-made Service. Let us know what it is that you are looking for to create the perfect Parcel-User Experience for your activities. More Info: h

Locker Unit / Personal Locker / Outdoor Units

Storage Lockers. Designed for storing small personal items, robust and attractive solutions.Easy ordering & convenient delivery. As global market leader in this niche, Teleportel (since 2001) has accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise in 'one-to-one, high quality live video interaction between a 'user' and an 'agent' whereby all possible transactions are supported'. A complete 'Suite of

Parcel Collection / Drop Off Locations / Drop-off Delivery

Drop off and collection service. Drop off locations near you, where you can ship and collect packages. Drop off and pick up parcels at your convenience. The person in the remote location serves the customer as if both would be in the same location. Objects can be visually inspected, people can be authenticated, signing for receipt can be done, receipts can be printed, etc... More Info: http://www.

Parcel Collection / Drop Off Locations / Drop-off Delivery

Drop off and collection service. Drop off locations near you, where you can ship and collect packages. Drop off and pick up parcels at your convenience. The person in the remote location serves the customer as if both would be in the same location. Objects can be visually inspected, people can be authenticated, signing for receipt can be done, receipts can be printed, etc... More Info: http://www.

Auto Reply Text Message / Auto text reply / SMS automatic reply

Auto Reply Text Message to missed calls and incoming SMS. used for managing SMS messages, an Auto-Reply. Send the Scheduled SMS to required recipient automatically. The Standard Locker system -as decribed above - is the most basic version. It is for Self-Service purposes only and it is limited in features and interactive intelligence. However, it is possible to provide Automatic Intelligent Inter

Parcel Locker Wide Screen / Parcel Technologies / Next Gen Smart Locker

Parcel Delivery Kiosk Locker User Experience Live video interaction NextGen Parcel Locker Locker unit Scan parcel barcode STANDARD CONFIGURATION high quality live video interaction. New Customer requirements. NEXTGEN Parcel Technologies. Access all of the innovation information. Several popular alternative solutions customers. Parcel lockers are accessible 24/7. More Info:

Parcel Lockers / Parcel Locker Systems / Intelligent Parcel Locker

A service that gives customers choice. Parcel lockers and delivery management systems. digital parcel locker system. Automates mail and parcel package delivery. The most convenient electronic parcel lockers. an automated electronic locker system that securely stores packages. As global market leader in this niche, Teleportel (since 2001) has accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise in 'one

Live Polls During A Presentation / Audience Interaction / Live interactive audience participation

Interaction tool for meetings, events and conferences. Conducting a survey during a live presentation. Showcase technology event. Highest performing event technology for our clients. Live interaction technology. Audience engagement. Secure and easy to use. If not on the Smartphone, then the Automatic Video Avatar and/or the Live Agent (residing in remote location; for instance from the workplace)

Enhance customer experience / Live-video for interaction / Visual engagement

Do more with live-video interaction for training, marketing, and eCommerce. Build rapport by video communication. Businesses are increasingly using live videos. Get a live preview of your video. The Standard Locker system -as decribed above - is the most basic version. It is for Self-Service purposes only and it is limited in features and interactive intelligence. However, it is possible to provid

A New User Experience / Experience for your end users / Content Locker

Digital lockers thereby enable a zero-downtime experience. User Experience - Anytime, Anywhere access. creating user experience for the end user. Hassle-free user experience. This is not speculative or experimental technology but in use in over 30 countries, worldwide; mostly in mission critical applications.These technologies are now integrated into our Parcel Locker system. Thanks to this integ

Efficient parcel terminal / the Locker Kiosk / Self-Service Kiosks

An automatic parcel locker, parcel delivery solution for retail and lockers as a new delivery option. Varied parcel drop options. Flexibility to choose the date and time for delivery. Redefine point of service locations. As global market leader in this niche, Teleportel (since 2001) has accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise in 'one-to-one, high quality live video interaction between a '

Good Customer Service / Internal Customer Service / Training Employees

Internal customer service. The fundamentals of customer service to both external and internal customers. Inserting yourself into a conversation. The Live Video Reception can be deployed succesfully by every organisation. The Benefits and Returns are Substantial. More Info:

Show Your Employees You Care / Business / Success in the workplace

Change the workplace we work in. Improve Workplace Communication. Turn everyday transactions into employee interactions fir our guests / our business partners. Live Video Reception Reception Service Over Distance, Without Loss of Personal Contact Your Co-Workers Serve Customers and Guests Live From Their Workplace. More Info:

Virtual distance / The Quality of Human Interaction / Technology

Virtual distance research for the Quality of Human Interaction. Enabling long distance communication. Face-To-Face Interactions. The internet has actually helped with human interaction. Instant, Sustainable Cost Savings. Increased Productivity. Typical R.O.I. is < 11 months. Best Experience and Highest Level Of Service for Your Customers. More Info:

Digital Transformation / Guide to digital transformation

The integration of digital technology, transformation of business and organizational activities. The process of using technology to radically change your business. Teleportel is Expert-Specialist and Undisputed Market Leader in Live Video Receptions. Customers include Government, Multi-Nationals and S.M.E. These Mission Critical Applications demand the highest level of Security and Privacy in comb

Top 10 cloud tools / online software en tools / cloud-management tools

New tools to help enterprise IT. Cloud costs, optimize resources. Top cloud infrastructure automation tools. Cloud computing tools. Instant, Sustainable Cost Savings. Increased Productivity. Typical R.O.I. is < 11 months. Best Experience and Highest Level Of Service for Your Customers. More Info:

Virtual Video Reception / Visitor Management Solution / Virtual Reception

Virtual receptionist visitor management. Remote Employee interactions; Video surveillance. Virtual Receptionist Kiosks. Streaming virtual reality videos. The Live Video Reception can be deployed succesfully by every organisation. The Benefits and Returns are Substantial. More Info:

The Holographic Universe / Holographic principle / Holographic Reality

The theory that reality, as we consciously experience it, is not real. Information in the Holographic Universe. 3D 'reality'. They're all part of our reality: correspondence between concepts in theoretical physics. Live Video Reception Reception Service Over Distance, Without Loss of Personal Contact Your Co-Workers Serve Customers and Guests Live From Their Workplace. More Info: http://www.telep

Live Human Interaction / Social Interaction / Your Customers Still Want to Talk

Unlimited video conferencing application that allows people to launch or join meetings. Human Interaction: they need to interact. Helping businesses connect better with their clients. Teleportel is Expert-Specialist and Undisputed Market Leader in Live Video Receptions. Customers include Government, Multi-Nationals and S.M.E. These Mission Critical Applications demand the highest level of Security

Highest Level of Great Customer Service / Level of Service / Levels of Customer Service

Providing the highest level of customer service appropriate to the needs and desires of the customers. Levels of service that companies should know: the standard level of customer service. Instant, Sustainable Cost Savings. Increased Productivity. Typical R.O.I. is < 11 months. Best Experience and Highest Level Of Service for Your Customers. More Info:

Cost Saving / Cost Avoidance / Avoided Cost

Live Video Reception Reception Service Over Distance Personal Contact Serve Customers and Guests Live From Their Workplace Highest Level Of Service Live Human Interaction Holographical Reality Virtual Video Reception Digital Transformation. A cost lower than the historical cost. Cost-saving measures are any actions. Opportunity cost must be understood as relative terms. Cost savings is an incredib

Your Organization / Your Company's Core Values / Ethical Workplace

Customer service habits to show guests you really care: understand customer needs and explain features and benefits. Offer outstanding customer service to your guests. Offer more memorable welcomes. Teleportel is Expert-Specialist and Undisputed Market Leader in Live Video Receptions. Customers include Government, Multi-Nationals and S.M.E. These Mission Critical Applications demand the highest le

Hospitality Customer Service / In Terms of Customer Service / Ways to Serve Great Customer Service

Customer service habits to show guests you really care: understand customer needs and explain features and benefits. Offer outstanding customer service to your guests. Offer more memorable welcomes. Teleportel is Expert-Specialist and Undisputed Market Leader in Live Video Receptions. Customers include Government, Multi-Nationals and S.M.E. These Mission Critical Applications demand the highest le

Personal Contact Meaning / Best Personal Contact / Personal Contact

Personal Contact Information and Meaning. typically running their entire business on personal contact. Recruit potential participants for your organization by following these guidelines for making personal contact. Instant, Sustainable Cost Savings. Increased Productivity. Typical R.O.I. is < 11 months. Best Experience and Highest Level Of Service for Your Customers. More Info: http://www.teleport

Virtual Video Receptions / Reception Venues / Reception Distance

Guests are welcomed over distance by a receptionist in a remote location. It adjusts reception distance on the fly. The Live Video Reception can be deployed succesfully by every organisation. The Live Video Reception can be deployed succesfully by every organisation. The Benefits and Returns are Substantial. More Info:

Reception / LIVE Streamed Video / Reception Video

Live Streamed Video: Reception Session. Live Video Kiosks. Any of the video formats available. Live Video Reception Reception Service Over Distance, Without Loss of Personal Contact Your Co-Workers Serve Customers and Guests Live From Their Workplace. More Info:

Customer-Centric Digital Transformation

Everybody understands the necessity of Digital Transformation (DT). However, going ‘digitally’ holds the risk of alienating customers, which could do more harm than good. Wikipedia about DT: ‘The transformation stage means that digital usages inherently enable new types of innovation and creativity, rather than simply enhance and support traditional methods.’ Teleportel (since 2001) has

FM Day IFMA, Leuven, 29 maart 2018

Op 29 maart 2018 , ging in de Brabanthal in Leuven, de FM Day van IFMA door. De talrijke Facilities Managers en andere directieleden met verantwoordelijkheden in Facilities Management konden naar keuze deelnemen aan interessante sessies. Het evenement werd uitzonderlijk goed bijgewoond en was een groot succes. Er werden diverse boeiende onderwerpen aangesneden. Luc De Backer van Teleportel presen

New Video Launch about the Interactive Live Video Kiosk by Teleportel Europe N.V.

New Video Launch about the Interactive Live Video Kiosk by Teleportel Europe N.V. Teleportel has launched a new video about the Live Video Kiosk where the agents work from their workplace (from a remote location) and interact live with the customers. There is no human involvement required for the automated processes. This video gives a detailed overview of all the characteristics and advantages o

Service op afstand

Het gaat om meerdere locaties en dagelijks worden honderden bezoekers, klanten, sollicitanten, interim medewerkers, leveranciers, enz.. op deze manier – van uit een contact center - verwelkomd en bediend. Meer informatie hier

Service op afstand

Wachtrijen worden op deze manier weggewerkt zonder meerkost. De opstelling wordt op maat gemaakt voor ùw situatie. Het arsenaal van ‘building blocks’ om dit te realiseren, is zeer uitgebreid. Meer informatie hier

Virtual Receptionist and Answering Service

Your DIY-Virtual Reception can be up and running within 24 hours. Give it try. It is reliable, robust and will be appreciated by your visitors because of the personal, human touch. More information:

HD Video Conferencing Solutions, Systems & Services /What's the difference between Web, audio and video conferencing?/Explore the different types of video conferencing systems

Examples of free audio conferencing software: Makes your meetings awesome with insanely simple video conferencing designed for your meeting rooms, featuring video conferencing hardware and software built together. The leader in video, voice, and content solutions. Learn how our technology can help your organization unleash the power of team collaboration. Our history of video conferencing innovati

Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / Web Conferencing Software / The Best Video Conferencing Software

The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform forvideo and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems.Set up and manage your meetings in the cloud no hardware or software pre installation, training or configuration is required. Most are broadly compatible with web browsers but you'll need to upgrade to one of the ne

Virtual Reception & Virtual Office Services / Virtual Receptionist Service - Virtual Reception / Virtual Receptionists - Messages, Transfers

Medical, Legal, Finance, Small Business Specialist. Detailed client reviews of leading virtual receptionist companies. Find the best virtual receptionist service for your needs. Set up in minutes - focus on building your business and not answering the phone.Your consultancy clients expect you to be available but you can't be available all the time.Conversational is a top rated virtual receptionist

Virtual Reception Service | Telephone Receptionist / Top 10 Virtual Receptionist Features to Look For /Virtual Receptionist

Answering service support for today's marketplace. You'll be inundated with claims that sound good but lack substance. If you know the top virtual receptionist features to look for, you won't be easy to...Conversational is a top rated virtual receptionist and call answering service provider. Your consultancy clients expect you to be available but you can't be available all the time.Detailed client

A Business Presence Anywhere / Virtual Receptionist : Telephone Answering Services / Top Virtual Receptionist Services

Conversational is a top rated virtual receptionist and call answering service provider. You'll be inundated with claims that sound good but lack substance. Set up in minutes - focus on building your business and not answering the phone. Detailed client reviews of leading virtual receptionist companies. Find the best virtual receptionist service for your needs. Detailed client reviews of leading vi

Interactive Video Displays and Kiosks / Interactive Video Kiosk /Interactive Kiosks & Walls

With scanning technology that's second-to-none and customization that caters to any retail environment. Kiosk virtual porter, is an innovative, interactive, integrated video communication solution for office districts, hospitals and business center. From dual-screen kiosks to variable-sized video walls, displays come in various sizes and configurations. Interactive video displays and kiosks are s

Interactive Video Walls & Kiosks / Kiosk Videos / Interactive Kiosks

Interactive kiosks provide customers immediate access to information, helping you enhance customer satisfaction while reducing operational costs The Kiosk digital signage is stand for interactive with user and let they do by them self. Driven largely by the popularity of tablets and smart phones, interactive display screens are used for a number of applications from wayfinding to manufacturing dat

Interactive Kiosk / Interactive & Digital Kiosks / Touch Screen Kiosk Software

Touch Screen Kiosk Software for Interactive Experiences. Create dynamic, data-driven, multi-screen experiences virtually any device. We analyze your requirements and transactional processes. We custom-build for your business and we deliver turn-key. Together, we continuously improve your processes. More information:

Interactive Kiosk Video /Interactive Digital Signage Kiosk / Kiosk Videos

Driven largely by the popularity of tablets and smart phones, interactive display screens are used for a number of applications from wayfinding to manufacturing data to entertainment and more. Style, size and color could be selected.The Kiosk digital signage is stand for interactive with user and let they do by them self. Interactive Kiosk With scanning technology that’s second-to-none and custo

Touch Screen Kiosk Software / Interactive Video Walls & Kiosks /Kiosk Videos

Touch Screen Kiosk Software for Interactive Experiences.The interactive kiosk was created, manufactured and customized. This was an exciting new communication project for us. The Kiosk digital signage is stand for interactive with user and let they do by them self.Create dynamic, data-driven, multi-screen experiences virtually any device - and never write code. Your Agents – from their workplace

Touch Screen Kiosk Software / Interactive Video Walls & Kiosks /Kiosk Videos

Touch Screen Kiosk Software for Interactive Experiences.The interactive kiosk was created, manufactured and customized. This was an exciting new communication project for us. The Kiosk digital signage is stand for interactive with user and let they do by them self.Create dynamic, data-driven, multi-screen experiences virtually any device - and never write code. Your Agents – from their workplace

Virtual reception / virtuele receptie

Een kiosk die het persoonlijk houdt. Een product dat twee specialisaties bij elkaar brengt. DE VIRTUELE RECEPTIE – een kiosk die het persoonlijk houdt. Een product dat twee specialisaties bij elkaar brengt; hoogwaardige video-communicatie met callcenterfunctionaliteiten en digital signage voor informatievoorziening. Het onthaal is 100% persoonlijk. De ‘onthaalmedewerker’ in de andere locatie

Digitale receptie

Een digitale receptie of virtuele receptie. Steeds meer bedrijven beslissen om hun (telefonische) receptie uit te besteden aan een externe leverancier, dit is dé ideale oplossing gezien deze externe partij er ALTIJD is (in vergelijking met een receptioniste die regelmatig afwezig zal zijn wegens verlof, ziekte). Virtuele Receptie of digitale receptie: Bespaart geld op uw receptiekosten, Leg direc

Virtuele Receptie (digitale receptie) / Virtuele receptie: professioneel onthaal

Wat is een virtuele receptie of auto attendant ? De auto attendant of te wel een virtuele receptieneemt voor u automatisch de telefoon aan. De virtuele receptie is een digitale zuil of kiosk waarmee je bezoekers professioneel ontvangt in een bedrijf of organisatie. Deze toepassing die is gebaseerd op de nieuwste technologieën laat toe om uw Onthaal op afstand te bemannen d.m.v. interactieve live

Virtuele receptie: professioneel onthaal / Wat is een virtuele receptie of auto attendant ?/ Virtual Reception

Digitale receptie. Door op een afdeling of contactpersoon te klikken belt u met de Virtual Reception meteen het gekozen nummer. Wat is een virtuele receptie of auto attendant ? De auto attendant of te wel een virtuele receptie neemt voor u automatisch de telefoon aan.De virtuele receptie is een digitale zuil of kiosk waarmee je bezoekers professioneel ontvangt in een bedrijf of organisatie. Steeds

De Virtuele Receptie | Een kiosk die het persoonlijk houdt / Virtuele receptie / digitale receptie of virtuele receptie

Zorg voor een telefonische permanentie, 7 dagen op 7, 24 uur per dag! Snel inzetbaar. In te schakelen als “permanente receptie” of als “backup”. Virtuele Receptie of digitale receptie: Bespaart geld op uw receptiekosten, Leg direct contact met de juiste persoon of afdeling, Eenvoudig te bedienen.De virtuele receptie. Steeds meer bedrijven beslissen om hun (telefonische) receptie uit te bes

Een kiosk / Virtuele receptie - structureer uw telefoonverkeer / Virtuele Receptie (digitale receptie)

Met deze oplossing bij uw receptie kunnen bezoekers zich, zonder de aanwezigheid van een receptionist, aanmelden bij de te bezoeken persoon of afdeling. Het up-to- date houden van deze instructies is een uitdaging, door de frekwente wijzigingen en wisselende omstandigheden. CARSIV™ is een cloud-tool om flexibel én zonder kosten toch doelmatig om te springen met deze problematiek. Meer informati

Virtuele receptie /Virtuele Receptie (digitale receptie) / Een kiosk die het persoonlijk houdt

Steeds meer bedrijven beslissen om hun (telefonische) receptie uit te besteden aan een externe leverancier, dit is dé ideale oplossing gezien deze externe partij er ALTIJD is (in vergelijking met een receptioniste die regelmatig afwezig zal zijn wegens verlof, ziekte, …). Virtuele Receptie of digitale receptie: Bespaart geld op uw receptiekosten, Leg direct contact met de juiste persoon of afde

Virtual Receptionist | Answering Service | Conversational / Top 10 Virtual Receptionist Features to Look For /Virtual Reception Service | Telephone Receptionist

Virtual reception services including call handling, telephone receptionist and appointment booking services specialising for healthcare professionals. You'll be inundated with claims that sound good but lack substance. Live virtual receptionists deliver the perfect mix of friendliness, charm and professionalism when answering your phone. Virtual receptionist & answering service support for today's

Virtual Receptionist Features to Look For / Virtual Receptionist Service - Virtual Reception / Live virtual receptionist and phone answering service

Your consultancy clients expect you to be available but you can't be available all the time. Set up in minutes - focus on building your business and not answering the phone. Virtual receptionist & answering service support for today's marketplace. We offer cost-effective, 24/7 solutions when you need us. Detailed client reviews of leading virtual receptionist companies. Find the best virtual rece

Virtual Receptionist Service / Virtual Receptionist & Live Call Answering Service / Virtual Receptionist | Answering Service | Conversational

Conversational is a top rated virtual receptionist and call answering service provider. You'll be inundated with claims that sound good but lack substance. Set up in minutes - focus on building your business and not answering the phone. Detailed client reviews of leading virtual receptionist companies. Find the best virtual receptionist service for your needs. Detailed client reviews of leading vi

Virtual Receptionist | Answering Service | Conversational

You'll be inundated with claims that sound good but lack substance. Virtual reception services including call handling, telephone receptionist and appointment booking services specialising for healthcare professionals. Detailed client reviews of leading virtual receptionist companies. Find the best virtual receptionist service for your needs. Virtual receptionist & answering service support for to

Virtual Receptionist / My Receptionist /Top Virtual Receptionist Services

Set up in minutes - focus on building your business and not answering the phone. Virtual receptionist & answering service support for today's marketplace. We offer cost-effective, 24/7 solutions when you need us. Detailed client reviews of leading virtual receptionist companies. Find the best virtual receptionist service for your needs. Cheerful, live virtual receptionists deliver the perfect mix

Minder personeelskosten, altijd een professioneel onthaal /toeristisch onthaal / Virtueel onthaal toerisme

Iedereen heeft het ongetwijfeld al eens voorgehad: zich haasten, maar ondanks die inspanningen toch buiten de kantooruren bij een receptie aankomen. Bij heel wat bedrijven wordt echter bespaard op onthaal, omdat deze medewerkers geen volle dagtaak hebben aan het ontvangen van bezoekers. Met de Do It Yourself Virtuele Receptie, koopt u zelf de hardware aan, u installeert die zelf, u maakt uw eigen

Virtueel onthaal maakt permanente receptie betaalbaar /virtueel onthaal

Laat toe om uw klanten persoonlijk te ontvangen, zonder menselijke tussenkomst. Iedereen heeft het ongetwijfeld al eens voorgehad: zich haasten, maar ondanks die inspanningen toch buiten de kantooruren bij een receptie aankomen. Bij heel wat bedrijven wordt echter bespaard op onthaal, omdat deze medewerkers geen volle dagtaak hebben aan het ontvangen van bezoekers. Eén receptioniste kan meerdere

Klantenonthaal / Virtueel onthaal (video) / Nieuws over virtueel onthaal en telepresence

Het onthaal aan de receptie, maar ook aan de telefoon en op het internet beïnvloedt sterk hoe het professionalisme van een carrosserie ervaren wordt. Ook deze basisfuncties dienen flexibel te zijn en mee te evolueren met de veranderingen in de maatschappij. Wat leeft er in de wereld van virtueel onthaal en telepresence? Hier vindt u alle nieuws over Cirius en succesvolle realisaties.Bij heel wat

Nieuws over virtueel onthaal en telepresence / lanceert virtueel onthaal / Virtueel onthaal

Het onthaal aan de receptie, maar ook aan de telefoon en op het internet beïnvloedt sterk hoe het professionalisme van een carrosserie ervaren wordt. a de kantooruren of op strategische klantenmomenten komen klanten via video in contact met een onthaalmedewerker die de klant op afstand onthaalt, helpt of begeleidt. Het virtuele receptiesysteem integreert onze kennis in deze drie domeinen, samen m

Onthaal doet hun verhaal / Klantenonthaal / Wij zorgen voor een goed onthaal

Het virtuele receptiesysteem integreert onze kennis in deze drie domeinen, samen met onze innovatieve technologie. Het onthaal aan de receptie, maar ook aan de telefoon en op het internet beïnvloedt sterk hoe het professionalisme van een carrosserie ervaren wordt. Wat leeft er in de wereld van virtueel onthaal en telepresence? Eén medewerker kan een aantal ontvangstbalies op afstand bemannen.

Virtueel onthaal toerisme /Nieuwe website en virtueel onthaal voor bezoekers / Nieuws over virtueel onthaal en telepresence

Na de kantooruren of op strategische klantenmomenten komen klanten. U installeert die zelf, u maakt uw eigen design en uw medewerkers bemannen uw onthaal van op de werkplek. Virtueel onthaal, leverage your professional network, and get hired.Board Virtueel onthaal toerisme. Je kan ons per telefoon, mail of chat bereiken voor hulpvragen waarbij vraagverheldering, advies en directe hulp wenselijk z

Virtueel onthaal (video) /Nieuwe website en virtueel onthaal voor bezoekers/ virtueel onthaal

Bij heel wat bedrijven wordt echter bespaard op onthaal, omdat deze medewerkers geen volle dagtaak hebben aan het ontvangen van bezoekers. Na de kantooruren of op strategische klantenmomenten komen klanten via video in contact met een onthaalmedewerker die de klant op afstand onthaalt, helpt of begeleidt. U installeert die zelf, u maakt uw eigen design en uw medewerkers bemannen uw onthaal van op

Virtueel onthaal maakt permanente receptie betaalbaar / Virtueel onthaal (video) / Nieuwe website en virtueel onthaal voor bezoekers

Iedereen heeft het ongetwijfeld al eens voorgehad: zich haasten, maar ondanks die inspanningen toch buiten de kantooruren bij een receptie aankomen. Bij heel wat bedrijven wordt echter bespaard op onthaal, omdat deze medewerkers geen volle dagtaak hebben aan het ontvangen van bezoekers. Na de kantooruren of op strategische klantenmomenten komen klanten via video in contact met een onthaalmedewerke


The home for high quality videos and the people who love them. More than ever, people are in need of someone who really listens to their thoughts and feelings. Tele-Onthaal is an organization which gives us the opportunity to express our concerns in an anonymous way. Het kostte twee maanden voorbereiding. Digitale audio, video en mobiele oplossingen aan voor verkoopsnetwerken. Hoewel Kiosks vaak


If it's easier to write things down, you can talk by chat as well. More than ever, people are in need of someone who really listens to their thoughts and feelings. Tele-Onthaal is an organization which gives us the opportunity to express our concerns in an anonymous way. Volunteers are 24/7 stand-by to receive calls.Onthaal klanten in duidelijke taal.Het kostte twee maanden voorbereiding.This is "


Digitale audio, video en mobiele oplossingen aan voor verkoopsnetwerken. Onthaal is an organization which gives us the opportunity to express our concerns in an anonymous way. The home for high quality videos and the people who love them.Het kostte twee maanden voorbereiding. Onthaal klanten in duidelijke taal. Ook de integratie van de front-end is volledig ‘open’ en vrijwel élk type rand-a

Klanten onthaal / Crisisonthaal / Bijzonder onthaal bij thuiskomst

Onthaal klanten in duidelijke taal. Het kostte twee maanden voorbereiding.Ontdek wat uw belevingsdoos te bieden heeft! High quality videos and the people who love them. Onthaal is not a part of the Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering, in financial dire straits, but has been active for 20 years. Het systeem is open en kan worden verbonden met bestaande ICT systemen en databanken. Daardoor kunnen v

Professional Video Reception / Video reception of citizens /Virtual Receptionist / Visitor Management

The Virtual Hotel Front Desk Reception enables you. Efficiency of Video Reception. It is well known that an automated reception process for visitors to sign in can be more cost effective than paying staff members to sit in the lobby. The Virtual Hotel Front Desk Reception enables you to welcome your guest over distance, using your. Virtual video reception. They were most informative as to when it

Enhanced Video Reception / Very Limited Video Reception / Professional Video Reception

News agencies and video ingest systems for media distributors. Efficiency of Video Reception. It is well known that an automated reception process for visitors to sign in can be more cost effective than paying staff members to sit in the lobby. VIRTUAL VIDEO RECEPTION The Virtual Hotel Front Desk Reception enables you to welcome your guest over distance, using your. Virtual video reception. The Vi

Video reception of citizens / Professional Video Reception / Poor Video Reception

Efficiency of Video Reception. It is well known that an automated reception process for visitors to sign in can be more cost effective than paying staff members to sit in the lobby. Boosts your incoming signal to display a clearer video with more range.. However, it is also well understood that a visitor coming to a company for the first time will make their “first impression” based on their r

Virtual Video Receptions enable you to attend your Reception Desk/VIRTUAL VIDEO RECEPTION/Virtual Receptionist / Visitor Management

The Virtual Hotel Front Desk Reception enables you to welcome your guest over distance, using your. Virtual video reception. VIRTUAL VIDEO RECEPTION. Efficiency of Video Reception. It is well known that an automated reception process for visitors to sign in can be more cost effective than paying staff members to sit in the lobby. Boosts your incoming signal to display a clearer video with more ran

video reception system / VideoReception / Enhanced Video Reception

The airborne video reception system allows the organized monitoring & incident management, by gathering all the necessary information. The video & audio quality is high and without lip sync problems or other aberrations that are sometimes associated with video communication. Yet, the bandwidth (network) requirements are low. The remote receptionist could be anywhere in the world. That could be in

Video reception of citizens / Enhanced Video Reception / VideoReception

Planning, design, supply & installation of the airborne video reception system. The airborne video reception system allows the organized monitoring & incident management, by gathering all the necessary information. Boosts your incoming signal to display a clearer video with more range.TRASFORMA LA TUA RECEPTION IN UNA PIATTAFORMA DI ACCOGLIENZA MULTISENSORIALE. The video-connections are secured an

Create Awesome Wedding Reception / Signal Reception in Cells /reception and significance

Our cells 'talk' to each other all the time through chemical signals. The first step of this process,reception, is a critical component.While many approaches have engaged in the question of how to define a video game. Your guest touches the screen to establish the video connection. Or the system can be triggered by movement detection for an automatic connection. Or the guest can also click the nam

FULL Reception Video / Reception Party Video/ Wedding Reception FULL Video

Reception is the second part of the post wedding festivities. attended the reception and as a token of love, he gifted the newlyweds a little something special. The latest technologies allow you to welcome your guests over distance, without compromising the level of service. A co-worker in another location connects in high quality video with your guests. Instantly and effortlessly. Your co-worker

De Virtuele Receptie, Virtuele Live Receptie en Kiosks / Deze receptie draait om veel geld / Receptie

Onmisbaar geworden bij persoonlijke klantencommunicatie. De virtuele receptie toepassingen voor Kiosks en Live Receptionist zoals onthaal, receptie, banken, luchthavens, ticketing, kiosk service enz..Wat staat ons te wachten dit beursjaar? VIRTUELE VIDEO RECEPTIE. Direct en Persoonlijk. Flexibel-aanpasbaar. Veelzijdig.Met z'n vijven zorg je ervoor dat de receptie 24 uur per dag bemand is. Dankzij

Receptie praktijklokaal receptie / Digitale receptie / video plan receptie

Wil jij graag met mensen werken en het eerste contactmoment met de gasten hebben? De digitale receptiezuil ontvangt uw bezoekers op een efficiënte en professionele manier. Veel factoren spelen een rol bij de receptie van video content. Het systeem maakt gebruik van de meest recente video- en internettechnieken en is niet vergelijkbaar met ‘legacy’ systemen zoals Skype of video- conferencing o

Deze receptie draait om veel geld / Receptie 60 seconden video/ VIRTUELE VIDEO RECEPTIE. Direct en Persoonlijk.

De virtuele receptie toepassingen voor Kiosks en Live Receptionist zoals onthaal, receptie, banken, luchthavens, ticketing, kiosk service enz. Wil jij graag met mensen werken en het eerste contactmoment met de gasten hebben?De digitale receptiezuil ontvangt uw bezoekers op een efficiënte en professionele manier. De live P2P video-verbindingen zijn beveiligd door versleuteling en andere technieken

De Virtuele Receptie, Virtuele Live Receptie en Kiosks / Hallo receptie? / Deze receptie draait om veel geld

De virtuele receptie toepassingen voor Kiosks en Live Receptionist zoals onthaal, receptie, banken, luchthavens, ticketing, kiosk service enz. Met z'n vijven zorg je ervoor dat de receptie 24 uur per dag bemand is.VIRTUELE VIDEO RECEPTIE. Direct en Persoonlijk. Flexibel-aanpasbaar. Veelzijdig.Steeds meer bedrijven beslissen om hun (telefonische) receptie uit te besteden aan een externe leverancier

60 seconden video / Deze receptie draait om veel geld / De Virtuele Receptie, Virtuele Live Receptie en Kiosks

Dé oplossing om uw gasten op een makkelijke, spraakmakende en efficiënte wijze te verwelkomen.Wat staat ons te wachten dit beursjaar? De virtuele receptie toepassingen voor Kiosks en Live Receptionist zoals onthaal, receptie, banken, luchthavens, ticketing, kiosk service enz... akoestische band, muzikale omlijsting van recepties, feesten, huwelijk, jubileum, babyborrel ... Eén van de unieke kar

Receptie / VIRTUELE VIDEO RECEPTIE. Direct en Persoonlijk / Receptie 60 seconden video

Met z'n vijven zorg je ervoor dat de receptie 24 uur per dag bemand is. VIRTUELE VIDEO RECEPTIE. Direct en Persoonlijk. Flexibel-aanpasbaar. Veelzijdig. Dé oplossing om uw gasten op een makkelijke, spraakmakende en efficiënte wijze te verwelkomen.Wat staat ons te wachten dit beursjaar? De virtuele receptie toepassingen voor Kiosks en Live Receptionist zoals onthaal, receptie, banken, luchthaven

4K Video Conferencing, Video Collaboration / video chat program /Instant LAN video conferencing

Free video conferencing server and apps. Difficult to find a simple video chat program that uses your webcam and can do at least a one on one video conference. Is designed to be a portable video phone for use within small, medium, and large Local Area Networks {LAN},The finest lan video conferencing software without an internet connection. It does video calling and text chatting. For all 1-to-1 an

Five Best Web-Based Conferencing Tools / Top Web Video Conferencing Services / The Best Video Conferencing Software

Increasingly sophisticated but inexpensive webcams, microphones, and speedier broadband make web-based conferencing more economical and attractive than ever. Service that enables users to collaborate with others using a variety of technologies and offers real-time solutions for businesses, including the ability to have up to seven video feeds, record meetings, and incorporate apps Most are broadly

Video conferencing - connecting with external sites /How to Connect via Video Conferencing/ How to Connect via Video Conferencing

Video conferencing - connecting with external sites. A platform-independent (PC and Mac) program which is free to download and use that allows users to video-conference or tele-conference one-to-one quickly and efficiently.Don't believe what you've heard about video conferencing being an expensive, complex system for only huge companies with massive IT departments.From their desktop PCs. In confer

Video Conferencing & Collaboration / Video Conferencing / Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars

Your meetings awesome with insanely simple video conferencing designed for your meeting rooms, featuring video conferencing hardware and software built together. You can experience business quality connections by integrating video conferencing capabilities in every collaboration interaction. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and a

Get Pricing / Video Conferencing /Video Price List

Collaboration technology, users can share presentations and live video simultaneously. We think there is nothing like the experience of solutions–but you be the judge. Enhance collaboration and audience participation.There are different software available in the market to install and enjoy the features of video conferencing. For all 1-to-1 and groupmeetings (with many participants). Works from

Best Web Conferencing Software / The Best Video Conferencing Software / Top Web Video Conferencing Services

Find the best Web Conferencing Software using real-time. One of the best all-around office communications solutions. Having trouble deciding on the best web video conferencing software for your business? A web-conferencing solution tailored for product demo and customer training webinars. Confused about which videoconferencing app is best to use? Web conferencing software is good for interoffice m

Top 5 Free Web Conferencing Tools / 5 Best Free Video Conferencing Services /Top 5 Free Video Conferencing Software

This doesn't need to happen, though, as there is a variety of free web conferencingsoftware available. There are many companies that provide the same type of service. There are various kinds of free video conferencing software. Many services are scalable depending on the number of hosts and attendees you need. We test, review and provide a selection of the best free online meeting and video confer

Video Conferencing Made Easy / How Video Conferencing Works / An Introduction to the Basics of Video Conferencing

It's like a telephone call, just with video. Multipoint lets three or more people or locations take part in the same video conference. A multi-point bridge, multi-point control unit or multipoint conferencing unit This report will examine the basic components of the technology, considerations for deploying video conferencing solutions. When you are available to take a video call, you set your stat

Meeting Services App & Event Management Services / Meeting services app /Enhance Event Planning With Intuitive Digital Experiences

Let our app help make event management stress-free.Text and comments within Personal Photos/Idea Boards will display in the language entered. Make your meeting flow smoothly by having the power to make requests with just a tap of the finger.Wish communicating with hotel event staff could happen in real time? When your event is at a Marriott, that ability is built in. Part of the job role means not

Low-cost videoconferencing services / Best Video Conference Services / Best Inexpensive Video Conference Service

These days, any computer with a webcam and most current tablets and smartphones -- can be a front-end to services that offer low-cost or free videoconferencing functionality. Most video conference services either sacrifice cost for more robust features or vice versa. Most video conference services require you to make the choice between paying higher prices to get more robust features or forgoing t

Free Conference Calls & Online Web Conferencing / Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / Free Web Conferencing

You can hold free conference calls, with hundreds of international dial-in numbers.The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing.Our online free conference software offers your callers the ultima

Video Conferencing & Collaboration /Video Conferencing Solution Product Tour / Video Conferencing Solution Product Tour

Your meetings awesome with insanely simple video conferencing designed for your meeting rooms, featuring video conferencing hardware and software built together. Video conferencing, wireless screen projection, and remote screen sharing solved for all your meeting rooms. A solution with a simple interface and good quality. Some video conferencing services let presenters pass control to another part

The Best Video Conferencing Software / Top Web Video Conferencing Services / Best Web Conferencing Software

The best video conferencing services offer phone, email, and chat support in addition to extensive online documentation. You can use your own personal server in the cloud, not shared with other companies. The application can be used under white label. Low cost. No investments required. More Info:

The Best Video Conferencing Software of 2017 / Top 6 best video conferencing services of 2017 / Best Video Conference Services of 2018

While video conferencing supports several endpoints communicating, the terms "videocall" and "video chat" generally mean one-to-one. Along with ill-fated predictions of steel-covered roads and the discovery an anti-gravitational force. Finding the best video conferencing service for your business can net you huge savings. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable

Conferencing / Conference Call / The Benefits and Uses of Net Conferencing for Business

Provides a multipoint web-based service that allows a Customer to conduct a document conference call allowing text, documents, data or images. Lets you bring your meeting to theInternet so you can present to hundreds simultaneously or collaborate with others on meeting materials right from your computer. You can use your own personal server in the cloud, not shared with other companies. The applic

What is video conference (video conferencing)? / What is Videoconferencing?What Is Video Conferencing?

A video conference uses technology to create visual connection between persons in separate places, typically with high-quality video and audio.Videoconferencing (or video conference) means to conduct a conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data. Video conferencing is the ability to host live interactive meetings by usi

What is video conference (video conferencing)? / Video Conferencing / The 12 Best Video Conferencing Apps

A video conference uses technology to create visual connection between persons in separate places. Video Conferencing' Video conferencing is a technology that allows users in different locations. Video conferencing to hold team meetings, share ideas, and check in on each other. Your meetings awesome with insanely simple video conferencing designed for your meeting rooms, featuring video conferenci

free video calls and chat / Free Mobile Chat Rooms / Mobile Chat Rooms

Easy-to-use free messaging app. Group chats, video calls, social networks. Free mobile chat rooms website.Mobile chat and Video Community. Catch up with a face to face video chat. You can do it on computers, mobile devices, and even tablets. Online Chat & video chat with friends, family and even strangers on the Web.Pick a free video chat app from this list to call anyone for free from your comput

The Best Video Conferencing Software of 2017 / The 12 Best Video Conferencing Apps for Teams /Top 6 best video conferencing services of 2017

While video conferencing supports several endpoints communicating, the terms "videocall" and "video chat" generally mean one-to-one. Along with ill-fated predictions of steel-covered roads and the discovery an anti-gravitational force. Finding the best video conferencing service for your business can net you huge savings. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable

Video Conferencing Maintenance & Support Services / Video Conferencing Support / Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars

Award-winning maintenance service supports and protects your investment in video conferencing & visual communications. To keep our customers' meeting room technology running smoothly, video conferencing support specialists can act as their exclusive help desk. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing.Video Conferen

Bring everyone together with new group video calls! / About Voice/Video Calls / Group Video Call

How to make group video calls? To bring up the list of chats and open the chat of the friend you wish to call. How to Download , Install , Configure, Call and Chat with LINE. The group call feature can be utilized for no charge.Ever wanted to chat on the phone with more than one friend at a time? The Beehive handles the need for instant, high quality and secured live video communications. Simply o

Top Web Video Conferencing Services for 2017 /The Best Video Conferencing Software of 2017 / Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars

Having trouble deciding on the best web video conferencing software for your business? Some video conferencing services let presenters pass control to another participant who can continue the meeting without interruption. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. Gone are the days when conference calls needed compl

Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / Free Screen Sharing, Online Meetings & Web Conferencing /Top 20 Web Conferencing Software 2018

The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. Free screen sharing, online meetings and team collaboration are all fast and easy. Customers can run multi-point HD video conferences and are able to screen share from their desktops, tablets, and/or smartphones, Web conferencing software makes it simple and cost-effective

HD Video Conferencing Solutions, Systems & Services /Video Conferencing to Make Your Workplace Great / HD Video Conferencing Solutions

HD video Conferencing systems and services, provide the best and most comprehensive digital teleconferencing solutions for businesses available. Video conferencing solutions from Lifesize help you transcend physical barriers and transform your business. The leading platform for high def video conferencing. Simple video conferencing equipment and software built for your meeting room. Conferencing m

Top 5 Free Web Conferencing Tools / Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / 7 Platforms for Free Conference Calls

However, especially for small businesses and start-ups, the cost of web conferencingtools can be prohibitive, ultimately delaying the adoption of online meetings. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems.Are you looking for a Free Web Conferencing Tool?Wi

Multiparty Video Conferencing Solutions for Video Calling in Business /Group Video Chat / Free conference calls and group video chat

Easy-to-use multiparty video conferencing solutions. Group video calling is available to everyone free on their mobile devices, tablets and computers. Whether you want to share big news with your family or need to work closely with a team of colleagues. This cloud-based video conferencing software allows users to call a person or a meeting room.High-quality, flexible 360p-to-full-HD multiparty con

Online video calls in browser for free / Free video chat online / free video calls and chat

To start chatting with friends just send them link and enjoy video call in browser. Making it easy to connect with friends and family, even when you're far apart.easy-to-use free messaging app. Group chats, video calls, social networks. Simplify your chat and cut through the noise with just two live speakers at any given time. No limitation on live video calling, even on our free plan.Group Video

Video Conferencing Training Courses / Training /How to become a Videoconferencing Expert

Provide a range of bespoke video conferencing training programmes and courses for video conferencing users, administrators and IT/network managers, to help drive adoption within your organisation and help you to build your knowledge in video conferencing and video infrastructure. The overarching brand representing training offered to all audiences needing instruction. Specialized training programs

Video Conference Room Solutions / Video Conferencing and Meetings / Video Conferencing & Collaboration

Put high quality video, audio and web conferencing in any sized room.Built for every room size. Your meetings with insanely simple video conferencing designed for your meeting rooms, featuring video conferencing hardware and software built together.Fast, effective video conferencing services for the meeting room. Hangouts Meet hardware brings reliable, easy-to-join web meetings to any size meeting

Teleconference Services for Small Business Owners / 5 Best Teleconference Services / Top Web Video Conferencing Services for 2017

Here is a collection of both free and paid teleconference services that demonstrate the variety of options and features available to help you start your search. Set-up face-to-face video-meetings on-the-fly. Simply click the pictures of colleagues to connect. One-to-one session or large groups. Also via your website, for video communication with the ‘outside world’. More Info: http://www.telep

Free video chat online / 6 of the best online video chat systems /Best free video chat programs

Catch up with a face to face video chat. Chat over a video feed without downloading any software. Catch up with a face to face video chat. Chat over a video feed without downloading any software. Did you know that there are apps you can download right now that let you make completely free video calls and video chat sessions through your desktop or laptop computer? The leader in modern enterprise v

The Best Video Conferencing Software of 2017 / Best Video Conference Services of 2018 / Top 6 best video conferencing services of 2017

Cut Costs Using Video Conferencing. As more companies add headquarters around the US and the globe, business travel is one way to bring employees together to share ideas. Partnering with the wrong service or trying to integrate multiple services that don't mix could end up costing you more down the road. Finding the best video conferencing service for your business can net you huge savings. Wheth

Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / The Best Video Conferencing Software of 2017 / Top Web Video Conferencing Services for 2017

The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform forvideo and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. We all chat with one another on video platforms. But which tools are powerful and reliable enough to handle your company's most important calls? Offers audio and videoconferencing on virtually any desktop platform

Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / Overview, Pricing and Features/Video Conferencing Reviews and Pricing

The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform forvideo and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Is designed exclusively for hosting webinars, teaching online courses, and conducting online training, video demonstrations, virtual meetings and video conference.What Web Conferencing solution do you use? Choose b

7 low-cost videoconferencing services / How Much Does Video Conferencing Equipment Cost? / Video Conferencing

We look at online videoconferencing services that help colleagues and friends keep in touch, share screens and collaborate on presentations. Instead of using a monitor, webcam, and phone for your video conference, telepresence means that you'll go into a specialized room that is decked out with large-screen TVs and a camera system that is dedicated to video conferencing. Find here Video Conferenci

What is video conference (video conferencing)? / Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / The Best Video Conferencing Software of 2017

A video conference uses technology to create visual connection between persons in separate places, typically with high-quality video and audio. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. We all chat with one another on video platforms. Your meetings get awesome with insanely simple video conferencing designed for yo

Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / Top 5 Free Web Conferencing Tools / Free Screen Sharing, Online Meetings & Web Conferencing

The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. Put high quality video, audio and web conferencing in any sized room. Video and audio conferencing; Screen sharing, white boarding, and editing tools. They both make your account and your meeting room uniquely yours. Our amazing HD-quality conference room systems, apps and

Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars / Video Conference Room Solutions / Meetings. Mobile meetings with video conferencing

The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. Put high quality video, audio and web conferencing in any sized room. Video and audio conferencing; Screen sharing, white boarding, and editing tools. They both make your account and your meeting room uniquely yours. Our amazing HD-quality conference room systems, apps and

The Best Video Conferencing Software of 2017 / Top Web Video Conferencing Services for 2017 / Best Web Conferencing Software in 2018

One way to cut costs is to conduct meetings remotely by phone or by video. Having trouble deciding on the best web video conferencing software for your business? Web conferencing software enables online communication through audio meetings, video meetings, and seminars by utilizing chat. Finding the best video conferencing service for your business can net you huge savings; Choosing the right vide

Videoconferencing / Video Conference Integration / Universal video conferencing

What's the difference between a gatekeeper and a gateway? These two terms are used frequently in the field of videoconferencing. Gateway is a device or software that serves as an interface for incompatible devices and networks that work under different protocols. Provides an all-in-one, enhanced gateway for integration between IP and ISDN video conferencing networks; enables interoperability to co

The 12 Best Video Conferencing Apps / The Best Video Conferencing Software/The Best Ways to Video Chat

As a fully remote team, it relies on video conferencing to hold team meetings, share ideas, and check in on each other; remains one of the easiest conferencing services to use, If you live far away from the people you care about, video chatting is the best way to feel more like you're there with them in person; makes your meetings awesome with insanely simple video conferencing designed for your

Online video calls in browser for free / Free video chat online / A Magic Link for Customers to Get Face-to-Face with You

No registration needed. To start chatting with friends just send them link and enjoy video call in browser. Video calls. Free video chat. You can't put a price on a face to face catch up. That's why we offer free video calling. There's no download required! All you have to do is sign up to web platform and begin enjoying high-quality and seamless online video calling. Let customers video call you

What Equipment Is Needed for Video Conferencing?/ What equipment do you need for Video Conferencing?/Hardware and Software Requirements for Video Conferencing

When setting up a video conference, double check that you have all the equipment you need. Each site participating in the Video Conference will require, as a minimum, a camera, a codec, a microphone, a speaker, a monitor. However, to ensure proper communication, there are a number of hardware and software requirements for video conferencing that must be met.Video conferencing is nothing new, but t

Making Video Calls / Online video calls in browser for free / A Magic Link for Customers to Get Face-to-Face with You

Video calling is available starting on Android version 4.1. If your phone's operating system is not supported, video calling will not be available to you. No registration needed. To start chatting with friends just send them link and enjoy video call in browser.Let customers video call you for free without signups or new apps. The leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, re

Videoconferencing Traffic: Network Requirements / Network for High Definition Video Conferencing /Network Requirements for Video Conferencing

In order to support reliable videoconferencing, the network needs to be provisioned with the above issues and metrics in mind. Key infrastructure components of the video conferencing system need special consideration.How to assess whether your network bandwidth is sufficient for video conferencing, and to take the steps required to upgrade your existing hardware to meet the demanding requirements

Online video calls in browser for free / Free video chat online / A Magic Link for Customers to Get Face-to-Face with You

No registration needed. To start chatting with friends just send them link and enjoy video call in browser. Catch up with a face to face video chat. Let customers video call you for free without signups or new apps.Now switch between team chat and video calls, all on the same window.Check out our picks for the 5 best places to chat online with friends using your webcam and microphone. For all 1-t

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