Legal regarding legality, copyright and privacy of Teleportel.Com

Legal entity

The legal identity of the company is : Teleportel Europe NV ('Teleportel'), with address Kapelbaan 15, 9255 Buggenhout, Belgium and with registration number BE 0 444 980 075.


The information on this website, including any documents (for example, white papers, press releases, data sheets, or product documentation) contains copyrighted and proprietary information of Teleportel Europe N.V. and its partners.


The trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on this website and in all documents accessible from this site are property of or used by Teleportel or by third parties.


The products offered by Teleportel are protected by IPR. To request specific details, please send e-mail to


Teleportel Europe N.V. has made every effort to ensure that the information contained on this site or in documents accessible from this site are accurate and reliable, but assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Information on this site or in documents accessible from this site are subject to change without notice.

Third party licenses

Certain products may be licensed to from other parties. For an up-to-date overview, please send an e-mail to

HIPAA compliance

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Contacting Us

Any other questions regarding this Privacy Statement or the information practices of the Teleportel web site(s) should be directed by e-mail to

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