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Kiosks for sales and service over distance; with integrated printer, scanner, authentication, document camera, etc...

A complete range of 2D Kiosks is available. All units come complete with touchscreen, integrated camera, microphone and speakers. The remote person will appear with aligned eye-contact. Additional equipment (printers, scanners, readers, detectors,..) can be connected.
Basic 2D Kiosk
Basic (27 inch.)
All-in- one. Available in table top and wall mount.
Rugedized 2D Kiosk
Rugedized (22 inch.)
All-in-one. Table-top and wall mount. Steel.
Medium Height 2D Kiosk
Medium Height (32 inch.)
Steel. Speakers and mike integrated.
Full Height 2D Kiosk
Full Height (40 inch.)
Optionally available with separate 19’ touchscreen. Steel.
Hospitality Counter 2D Kiosk
Hospitality CounterTM (32 inch.)
Available with separate touchscreen.
Very high-quality Finishing in HiMax (like Corean)

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Privacy BoothTM
24 inch touch, ID card reader, scanner,
printer, letterbox, privacy panels,
speakers, telephone set/headset.
Nicely finished (steel) and robust.

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Teleportel Europe N.V. Photo Gallery
We custom-build since 2001