The In-Wall™ is the Teleportel flagship Reception Desk.
It is based on the innovative Holographical Reality™ technology.

The In-Wall™ enables you to welcome your guests 100% personally; either fully automatically - without any human involvement - or by establishing a high-quality, live 3D video connection with a receptionist who attends the desk from a remote location. This Receptionist interacts with the guest as if both would be in the same location. This innovative Reception solution is the pinnacle of what can be achieved when it comes to Reception services. This is not a 'digital' or 'virtual' reception because the remote person appears as if really physically present. Most visitors will not even realize that the remote receptionist is actually in another location.

The Teleportel reception solutions are textbook examples of successful and effective Digital Transformation implementations. The compelling business reasons to use this innovative technology in your digital transformation process can be summarized as follows

You have no Receptionist but you still want to offer a personal service to your visitors
To assist your Receptionist at busy peak-times or as back-up when absent
To enable 1 Receptionist attending many Reception locations personally
To make a substantial, instant and sustainable cost-saving while improving the Reception Experience

Click here for more information on the use of this technology in your Digital Transformation process.

The In-Wall™

is the top-of-the-line 3D Reception model of Teleportel. It is the most advanced way to attend your Reception, automatically and over distance. The system features the patented 3D Holographical Reality™ technology : the remote person seems physically present : life-sized, in 3D, with aligned eye-contact, no visible camera or screen.

The remote person seems 'teleported' (hence the name 'Teleportel') and appears as if really physically present. This is undoubtedly the most innovative way to attend your Reception without have a person at the Desk. This is a school-book example of successful Digital Transformation with a very favorable R.O.I. and maximized customer experience.

The 3D Holographical Reality™ is not comparable with 2D displays nor with '3D TV's which require goggles. The immersive 3D experience is achieved without glasses and is authentic : the sense of presence is very strong. Most people think that the remote person is actually in the same room.

More information on the Holographical Reality™ can be found here :

The In-Wall™

Additional peripheral equipment such as printers, scanners, readers, readers, identification, badge dispensers,... can be added to support your transactions. See here one example.

  • 3D Holographical Reality display unit
  • Invisible camera
  • Touchscreen and Content sharing screen. Also used for signature capturing.
  • eID, passport, drivers' license authentication, QR Reader.
  • Document printer
  • Surface to place document to be scanned by special document camera
  • Special purpose printer (badges, tickets, vouchers, etc...)

The sound seems to come out of the mouth of the person on the screen and not from a speaker. This makes the sense of presence even stronger and more authentic.

Applications and Use

The In-Wall can be used in any indoor environment

  • The base unit is integrated behind a wall or panel which is customized.
  • The effect is nothing short to magical : only the remote person is visible and appears very real and present.
  • This model is suitable for public locations : all equipment is hidden and outside view and reach of the user.
  • The system is available in both standing-up model and in sitting-down configuration (see photos below)
  • The In-Wall™ is easy to customize inexpensively: you can choose the signage and colours on the wall, the background, the furniture, the extra equipment, etc... as per your technical and aesthetic requirements. It may not seem the case at first glance, but the footprint behind the wall is small : 1 square meter. The required space is comparable to a real person sitting on a chair. View this video clip to get an idea.
  • As is the case with all the Teleportel systems, the In-Wall has the ability to serve your visitors automatically or via a live video connection with an agent in a remote location. View this video clip to see how this works in a real-life application.

Customized exactly for your environment

The 'outside' of the unit (cladding, furniture) can be customized to match exactly your aesthetic or functional requirements.
The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your own imagination. Hereunder you can find a few examples of a few of the hundreds of systems that have been shipped over 2 decades to over 30 countries worldwide.

The Agent Workstation

Note that in order to generate 3D images an Agent Workstation for 3D transmission (the i2i-Studio) is required in the remote locations.

See this link for more info on the 3D Agent Workstation (i2i-Studio) :

It is not possible to experience the very strong sense of 3D presence and the unique sensation by looking at a webpage or by watching video clips. To really grasp the significance and the power of this unique technology, one has to experience this personally by being in front of the system. We kindly invite you for a live demonstration in our 300 square meter Experience Facility in Belgium (unique in Europe) or in our demo facility in Plano. Contact us by e-mail: or call us +32(0)2 478 90 80 or submit the form below. We guarantee that you will not be disappointed.

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