The In Person Reception
For every visitor, your Reception is the very first physical encounter with your organization. Nothing works better than real personal contact. The RealReceptionist offers just that : a warm and personal welcome for all your guests. This not only maximizes the feeling of Hospitality but it also adds to Security.
This is not a 'virtual' or 'digital' reception, this is an In Person reception whereby the receptionist is present. With the RealReceptionist, your visitor feels welcome and will experience the personal attention every guest deserves. Not virtually or digitally, but In Person. With the RealReceptionist you will make an unforgettable impression.
When the RealReceptionist is at its best?
- You have no Receptionist but you still want to offer a personal service to your visitors.
- To assist your Receptionist at busy peak-times or as back-up when absent.
- To enable 1 Receptionist attending many Reception locations personally.
- To make a substantial, instant and sustainable cost-saving while improving the Reception Experience.
RealReceptionist Kiosk Suite The Modular Approach to a Personal Reception Service
Teleportel offers the modular RealReceptionist Suite, featuring 3 models : The Basic, The Standard and The Advanced version. The perfect Reception solution, adaptable to your specific reception situation. The Modular Suite makes it possible to select exactly those features that are relevant for you. This is not a 'one size fits all' solution but completely adaptable to meet your specific requirements. This not only saves costs but it will also ensure the perfect fit with your reception experience.