Communicate fluently and perfectly with other language speakers.

Real-time, interactive, live on-line language interpretation. Not streaming.

1. Simultaneous interpretation by professional linguists. For meetings with 2 and with many.

2. Many different languages in the same meeting.

3. Everybody speaks/hears his own mother tongue.

Communicate fluently and perfectly with other language speakers.


You set a date and time to meet with the other-language speaker. You join the session, the other party joins and the interpreter joins. The three parties are in different locations and are connected by the Internet. The interpreter will translate 'simultaneously' . That means that – at the very same time you are pronouncing your sentence – the other party will see you but hear the voice of the interpreter, in his/her language. And vice versa. At high audio and linguistic quality.

The two participants see each other. They do not hear each other; but both do hear the interpreter.
The interpreter hears both parties and sees them to read and 'translate' their body language.

The quality cannot be compared to computer translations. Neither can it be compared with 'consecutive' interpretation as provided in telephone translation services. This service is used by high-level professionals for important, mostly international, meetings.


No software download required. Parties can share presentations which are translated (orally) by the interpreter ; on-the-fly. The interpreters are made available through specialized organisations and can be reserved flexibly.


Communicating in any language. At the highest possible quality. Interact naturally with new suppliers and new customers as if you spoke their own language. No more language boundaries. No more misunderstandings.

Business Rational

Opening doors that were closed before. Selling, prospecting, servicing, supporting. Business meetings. Market research. Recruitment and selections. Training.