The Hospitality Value Chain:
Perfect Synergy of Digital and Personal Services

Since 2001, Teleportel has developed a comprehensive framework, The Hospitality Value Chain, designed to create the optimal balance between digital and personal services for every specific reception and customer service scenario. This approach not only ensures the ultimate visitor experience but also achieves highly cost-efficient processes. Teleportel thus sets the standard for the Perfect Journey.

Key Insights: The Role of Personal Interaction in Digital Transformation Digital Transformation of reception and customer service can be significantly more effective when personal interaction is integrated into the process. These findings are supported by research on customer experience, satisfaction, and the effectiveness of Digital Transformation across various sectors.

While Digital Transformation offers unparalleled benefits such as efficiency and scalability, it has become clear that personal interaction plays a crucial role in ensuring customer satisfaction, trust, and tailored experiences.

The Most Notable Conclusions from These Studies :

Customer Satisfaction and Experience

Research by McKinsey shows that personal interactions, even in a digital environment, lead to higher customer satisfaction. Studies reveal that customers are more satisfied with a hybrid model combining digital and personal interactions. Personal contact enhances customer loyalty, which is harder to achieve with fully automated systems.

Trust and User Experience

Many users are hesitant to rely solely on digital systems, especially in sectors where personal interaction has traditionally been vital (e.g., hospitality). Integrating personal interaction into digital processes helps build trust in Digital Transformation. A PwC study highlighted that while technology improves efficiency, personal interactions are preferred in situations requiring customization or empathy.

Process Efficiency

Personal contact can address issues that digital systems struggle to understand or resolve. A study by the Harvard Business Review found that customers are often disappointed when fully automated systems fail to solve unexpected problems, whereas personal interaction can handle these issues more effectively and empathetically.

Flexibility and Responsiveness

Research also indicates that customers often prefer a personal experience during critical phases of their 'customer journey,' such as when filing complaints or dealing with complex inquiries. Digital approaches can manage basic needs, but personal support makes a significant difference at key moments.

Personal Touch and Differentiation

Businesses can stand out by integrating a human touch into digital processes. A unique, personalized experience can be essential for gaining a competitive advantage.


Interested in learning more about Hybrid Customer Experience and Digital Transformation 2.0 for your reception?